Wednesday 17 April 2013

MDA2300 - Sleep/Wake

My installation has been presented and exhibited.

After a few initial problems during set-up (the television decided not to turn on, and then in the end I couldn't get a photographic backdrop on which to project), in the end, it went very successfully!

The whiteboard I had to use as a background instead had the fortunate side effect of (due to it's glossy finish,) projecting the projection video off it's surface around the room, which in the end added to the effecs of entrapment and disorientation on the audiences, as it projected the flashing images onto the audience, more or less trapping them within the installation, and in the darkened room it almost became claustrophobic, emphasising the paralysis aspect.

I really have enjoyed this module, and it has allowed me learn about and experiment with different types of film, and experience using film as a form of artistic expression in a way which was fresh, interesting and innovative in both my creative and technical approach.

I used technologies I had not yet used before, (such as certain FCP effects, and the equipment,) and I also for the first time really considered how to properly utilise the space in which my film is being presented. This really opened my eyes more to the world of expanded and art cinema, and the different ways that new and old technologies and innovations in film can be used to express something artistically which holds a personal resonance. Most importantly, I feel that I had fun, tried something new, and succeeded in something I both am interested in and enjoy.

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