Wednesday 24 April 2013

MDA2900 - Other projects

I have, as part of this module, helped out on 2 other projects!

The first was Arielle and Pauliina's 'Tough Love' which is a great story about a young couple (is this a theme?) who's dysfunctional relationship descends into violence, which has been brought on by the actions of either couple!

My role was as First AD, which meant that I had to keep an eye on the schedule and make sure everything ran smoothly, and also to call the shots, which once I got settled into the role I did efficiently!

I also filled out camera reports for them, which while not specifically a job for the First AD, was experience of a skill which I will definitely use one day!

I'm very excited to see how their film turns out!

The other projects I helped out on was as a runner in Francisco and Collet's film, (filming at my house, I was a great person to handle the tea-making and cooking responsibilites, as they were using my kitchen!) and I also helped Tuva and Anne with their documentary 'Hunting with Maria', by proofreading and re-phrasing their transcribed subtitles so that the dialoge seemed more natural and made more sense in the English Language! While not an aspect of production itself, it goes to show how many different roles go into making a film, and it let me exercise my skills picked up in A Level English Language, which I've surprisingly used a lot on this course, what with storytelling, screenwriting and the multitude of essays!

MDA2900 - Shoot Days!

So, due to people being busy with their own projects, we used a different crew for each day (bar three roles: Producer and director, of course, and DoP: A camera op who Ira knows, called Natalja Safronova, who was great to work with and connected well with the stylistics of the project), this means our credits will be double the length, I would imagine, but nevertheless I had a great time on set, and despite a couple of setbacks (mainly the loan store opening half an hour later than I thought setting the schedule back by half an hour on the first day,) we managed to shoot everything we needed within the two days!

Stresses definitely ran high on the second, longer shoot day, but thanks to Ira thinking on her feet, and my First AD Tuva keeping everyone in check, we got everything done in the right amount of time.

The set for one of the more extravagant dream scenes!
I clearly should be an interior designer...
Despite any tensions before or on set, Ira and I were so relieved once we got everything done, I am very excited to see how everything looks in editing, and to finally sleep!

Saturday 20 April 2013

MDA2900 - Meeting with D&E and preparation for filming!

After the meeting with David and Eddie I feel much better about how the project is going!

They looked over my shooting schedule and the preparation we now have for the shoot day and they are confident that we will get it done. Their main issue was that whether the DoP we find will be good enough for Ira's standards; let's hope so!

Today I also went shopping for props and food for the crew, and I am very excited to get ready and start filming!

Here is the shooting schedule I put together based on Ira's shot list, floorplans, and the layout of our location:

Wednesday 17 April 2013

MDA2300 - Sleep/Wake

My installation has been presented and exhibited.

After a few initial problems during set-up (the television decided not to turn on, and then in the end I couldn't get a photographic backdrop on which to project), in the end, it went very successfully!

The whiteboard I had to use as a background instead had the fortunate side effect of (due to it's glossy finish,) projecting the projection video off it's surface around the room, which in the end added to the effecs of entrapment and disorientation on the audiences, as it projected the flashing images onto the audience, more or less trapping them within the installation, and in the darkened room it almost became claustrophobic, emphasising the paralysis aspect.

I really have enjoyed this module, and it has allowed me learn about and experiment with different types of film, and experience using film as a form of artistic expression in a way which was fresh, interesting and innovative in both my creative and technical approach.

I used technologies I had not yet used before, (such as certain FCP effects, and the equipment,) and I also for the first time really considered how to properly utilise the space in which my film is being presented. This really opened my eyes more to the world of expanded and art cinema, and the different ways that new and old technologies and innovations in film can be used to express something artistically which holds a personal resonance. Most importantly, I feel that I had fun, tried something new, and succeeded in something I both am interested in and enjoy.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

MDA2300 - Sleep/Wake - Final Videos

These are the two videos which will form my installation piece: there is the Television Video:

and the Projection Video:

I am very pleased with how these have turned out; the editing in the television video is paced irregularly, so that after the piece has been looped for so long, even though the projection will be looped, the audiences will have difficulty telling how long the television film lasts. This will give a feeling of confusion with regards to the time the film lasts, representing how when suffering from sleep paralysis, time can appear to be irregular.

The projection video, with it's flashing images and erratic movement, (due to the use of keyframes, and Luma Key - Key out Lighter/Darker,) is in itself a very disorienting piece. While watching it people find it difficult to focus, and while watching it, due to the flashing, visual illusions seem to appear, different for each person who watches it, which are similar to the hypnagogic hallucinations often experiences in nightmares/sleep paralysis.

MDA2300 - Presentation

This is the presentation I am going to do tomorrow, as the final part of the portfolio project. I have taken out a projector from uni, and I have everything I need for tomorrow ready to take to university, set up the installation, present my project, and then have every view it! Nervous, but I have everything I need ready to go, so excited as well!

Film and Innovation: Sleep/Wake - Final Presentation by amini93

Thursday 11 April 2013

MDA2900 - Project Update, rescheduling and auditions...

So, I haven't posted for a while, and honestly, I grew quite worried about the project!

After being busy with other projects and working, Ira hadn't given me and work or contacted me for several weeks, so I questioned her commitment to the project.

After finally getting through to her, we have arranged a meeting with David and Eddie, and I have also rescheduled shooting, and held auditions and found an actor and actress, with the help of Jessica Skyers, my Production Assistant.

The actors were found on Casting Call Pro, and they suit the part, and eachother, very well in my opinion. I have sent Ira their profiles and she agrees and is excited to work with them!

As for rescheduling, I have moved shooting back to the 22nd and 23rd April. While this is cutting it fine, it gives us time to organise everything and make sure nothing is rushed, so nothing will go wrong.

Monday 8 April 2013

MDA2300 - Project Update

I have inquired and now have room G107 booked to use to display my installation on the 17th April

I am underway with the editing of the projected, abstract film and I have also filmed several shots of my bed to use in the television video.

I have also been experimenting with different renders, and effects (using keyframes) on Final Cut Pro, and have decided to use this software for the projection video, as it is the one I am most comfortable using, and there are many different options for me to choose from.

I also did a digital mock-up of what the installation would look like when set up:

As you can see in the picture, the pattern on the projection appears to make it harder to focus on what is being shown on the television, so when the images are moving and flashing, in a darkened area, the effect should be made more apparent, giving the installation the effect on audiences I intended it to have.