Friday 2 December 2011

MDA1700 - Assessment 01 - Dancer in the Dark - Scene Analysis

For the first summative assessment for MDA1700, we were asked to analyse an extract from a film, and analyse it regarding one, or a combination of the stylistic elements we had covered in lessons.

I chose to analyse the final scene of Lars von Trier's 'Dancer in the Dark', in which the protagonist, Selma, is hung for murder after she killed a man in self-defence.

My reason for choosing this scene was because personally, I found it to be one of the most emotional film scenes I had had a response to. I feel that after watching Selma's struggle through the film, this ending was particularly upsetting to watch. I was interested in analysing the scene to see how the stylistic elements, as well as the emotional build up to the film, influenced my emotional response to the film.
MDA1700 Assessment 01