Sunday 28 October 2012

MDA2900 - Introduction

In the first week of our MDA2900 - Producing and Directing module, we were given a) an overview of the module itself, and what we are expected to achieve throughout the year, and b) we had a workshop session exploring how important teamwork will be in the coming months and how working well and efficiently as a team is a vital part of making films.

As for first thoughts on the module, I'm excited and nervous. I think it will be challenging and intense, but I'm so excited to have the freedom to develop my own project from start to finish on a larger scale than I have previously. It may not seem very long to everyone else, but being students of film we can all appreciate the amount of work which goes into a 10 minute film (the final outcome of the module).

The team-working workshop was fun; used as an example, I was designated the role of director, while Arielle was producer, and we, along with a mock crew, were told to discuss, in front of the group, how we would go about creating a documentary project.

It was very interesting and useful, as Eddie really got us to think about how our decisions from the start should concern everyone and how they should be made carefully (moreso than any of us had really done by this point, I believe) and with consideration for all of the crew and people involved.

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